A list of past planning applications and appeals for Green Dale, with associated documentation.
January 2017: Planning Inspectorate Appeals
Greendale Property Limited lodged two separate appeals with the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). The first related to the non-determination by Southwark Council for their initial planning application 16/AP/1232. The council are supposed to make a decision about large planning applications within a certain timescale, and this was long overdue, hence the appeal.
The second appeal was in relation to the council’s rejection of their application to remove some S106 clauses and restrictive covenants regarding the current stadium and astro turf: 16/AP/4051.
October 2016: 16/AP/4051
16/AP/4051 | Discharge/deletion of obligations contained within the S106 Agreement dated 16/10/1990 pursuant to planning permission ref TP2134-3/AH for ‘The construction on the site of a retail store, coffee shop, public open space, construction of new football stadium, associated landscaping, car parking, access road and caretakers bungalow’. Clauses for discharge/deletion are: 1) Clause 4(3), giving access to the facilities by members of the football club, to be discharged in its entirety 2) Clauses 7(3) and 7(4), which relate to use of the land in the event that the football club cease to exist, to be discharged in their entirety 3) Clause 8, which restricts use of the football ground to leisure, recreational or educational purposes, to be discharged in its entirety 4) Clause 10, which gives users of the all-weather pitch access to the club dressing, showering and toilet facilities, to be discharged in its entirety | DULWICH HAMLET FOOTBALL CLUB, DOG KENNEL HILL, LONDON, SE22 8BD
- Main page on Southwark’s website for 16/AP/4051
- Our website page explaining how to respond
- Our website page with easy-to-read documents and links out
April 2016: 16/AP/1232
Redevelopment of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club to include the demolition of existing buildings. – The erection of a new stadium with relocated playing pitch, two-storey clubhouse with a Health and Fitness Club, stand with capacity for 4000 spectators, a multi-use games area (MUGA) and associated floodlighting. – The erection of a series of buildings between three and six-storeys in height to provide 155 residential dwellings (7xstudio, 56×1 bed, 46×2 bed, 43×3 bed and 3×4 bed). – Associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse storage and access road. – Enhancements to existing open space at Green Dale Fields and the creation of a new public linear park. – The relocation of existing telecommunication equipment within the site.
- Main page on Southwark’s website for 16/AP/1232
- Our website page explaining how to respond
- Our website page with easy-to-read documents and links out
2015: 15/AP/2750
Screening opinion under Regulation 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011, for the redevelopment of the site to provide approximately 180 residential units,a new community football stadium, publicly accessible multi-use games areas, a new park, and new access road. |DULWICH HAMLET FOOTBALL CLUB, EDGAR KAIL WAY, LONDON, SE22 8BD
- Main page on Southwark’s website for 15/AP/2750
- List of all associated documents
- EIA Screening letter
- Officer’s Report
The Officer’s Report contains many inaccuracies and no-one was notified about the application so no-one could respond in time. This planning application is not searchable under the term “Green Dale” or “Greendale”.
2011: 11/AP/2250
Development of new sports and recreation facilities to comprise full length football pitch with associated floodlighting; 6 x Multi-Use Games areas with associated floodlighting; BMX Track; New two storey club house with space for 200 spectator seats; parking area for 46 cars, and coach park; Educational nature trail with new access points off Wanley Road and Greendale. | GREENDALE SPORTS GROUND GREENDALE & BURROW ROAD LONDON SE22
- Main page on Southwark’s website for 11/AP/2250
- List of all associated documents (40 in 2018 but only 23 in 2023)
- Officer’s Report
- Decision Notice
2000: 00/AP/0400
Relocation of football ground to west (adj.Greendale). Erection of DIY store and garden centre. Creation of cycle lane and footpath between Greendale & Abbotswood Road. (OUTLINE APPLICATION). | DULWICH HAMLET FOOTBALL CLUB, AND LAND ADJOINING, EDGAR KAIL WAY, SE22
- Main page on Southwark’s website for 00/AP/0400
- List of all associated documents
- Planning obligation S.106 – AGREEMENT DATED 21/05/2003 LEG/PLA/S106/95735
- Archived Planning TP Case Files – PART 1
- Archived Planning TP Case Files – PART 2
- Decision Notice
- Officer’s Report
2003: Appeal APP/A5840/A/02/1098655
1992 Sainsburys and DHFC Stadium Built
The planning application to build the Sainsbury superstore on what was then Kings College playing fields, was allowed to go ahead with the proviso of some community “sweeteners”. These included the build of the Horizons Nursery in the car park and the DHFC stadium on land next to Sainsburys.