Southwark has 72 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)
- List of all the SINC sites in Southwark (undated)
In October 2015 some new SINC sites were proposed by the council as part of the New Southwark Plan, including Green Dale
An undated map showing an altered boundary:
A FOI request to determine why the SINC site boundary was altered:
- FOI request on March 2016
- Supporting document: 6023 Greendale Open Space Ecological Appraisal V3 Final 20140707.pdf
- Supporting document: Core Strategy Inspector s Report with Appendices A B FINAL.pdf
The (current) Southwark Plan
- Main page about the Southwark plan both new and current
- The Saved Southwark Plan Policies 2007
- Core Strategy 2011
- Core Strategy Proposals Map Appendix A (showing MOL boundaries and numbers)
The new Southwark Plan
The Council is now reviewing the Southwark Plan and Core Strategy to prepare a local plan called the New Southwark Plan. This new plan will set out the council’s regeneration strategy from 2017 to 2033 and will also be used to make decisions on planning applications.
- All of the documentation
- New Southwark Plan: Proposed Submission Version (Nov 2017) – 22.3 MB pdf
- Annex 1 to 6 (pdf, 8.2mb)
- Policies map updates (pdf, 22.8mb)
- Policies map schedules (pdf 352 kb) – includes list of MOL
Southwark’s Core Strategy
The Core Strategy is part of the Development Plan along with the saved Southwark Plan (see above) and London Plan. These are the main documents used to make planning decisions and set the strategy for development in Southwark.
Southwark’s Open Space Strategy
Southwark Biodiversity Action Plan
Southwark Maps
These maps have a lot of information on them which is accessible by turning on and off the layers
- Southwark maps online (not v detailed)
- More detailed map (showing SINCs and MOL)
- Screengrab of Green Dale MOL boundary
Southwark’s Playing Pitch Strategy
The Lease
Southwark Council are the freeholders of the Green Dale land, including the astro turf pitch. They leased the land to DHFC for 21 years up until March 2015 when the lease ran out.
The current (March 2016) status is that Hadley have no lease of the land but have an informal agreement with Southwark that they have control of the astro turf pitch and that Southwark have control of the grassy meadow area of Green Dale. For Southwark to get the lease back they would need to prove that DHFC who lease the land have not complied with the lease in some way (we think).
In December 2018 a new lease was drawn up between Southwark Council and DHFC allowing them to use an area larger than the astro turf pitch for football and fitness.
- Lease between Southwark and DHFC for an area of Green Dale including the astro turf pitch (December 2018)
Related documents from elsewhere on the site:
Land Registry Title Deeds
For £3 you can download the title deeds for the DHFC stadium and Green Dale. The land registry does not allow re-publication of these documents on any website so they have not been made available here. However, to get them is simple:
- (free account required)
The title deed reference numbers are as follows:
- LN245239 (Green Dale playing fields)
- SGL62094 (DHFC stadium and car park land)
- TGL57173 (path to the south of Green Dale fields)