Update August 2019
A new planning application has been submitted by DHFC and an off-shore company called Healey Development Solutions (Dulwich), whic is basically Meadow under another guise.
For specific points on how to respond to the application, please follow the link below.
General advice on responding to planning applications
Responding to planning applications is not as natural and organic a process as most people would like it to be. You can only make comments on certain aspects of the application and other types of response do not count.
Subjects which are potentially sound reasons for planning objections:
- Adverse effect on the residential amenity of neighbours, by reason of (among other factors) noise*, disturbance*, overlooking, loss of privacy, overshadowing, etc. [*but note that this does not include noise or disturbance arising from the actual execution of the works, which will not be taken into account]
- Unacceptably high density / overdevelopment of the site, especially if it involves loss of green land or the open aspect of the area
- Visual impact of the development
- Effect of the development on the character of the neighbourhood
- Design: including bulk and massing, detailing and materials
- The proposed development is over-bearing, out-of-scale or out of character in terms of its appearance compared with existing development in the vicinity
- The loss of existing views
Here are some general resources to help with responding to planning applications:
- Comment on Planning Applications – from Southwark’s own website
- How to respond to planning applications – 8 step guide from The Campaign to Protect Rural England
- How to Object from Martin Goodall’s Planning Law Blog
- Inside the Planning Committee