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DHFC seeks permission to remove protective covenants

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A new planning application has been submitted to Southwark’s Planning Portal by Dulwich Hamlet Football Club (DHFC) and their property developer friends. This is the inevitable consequence of the council giving them planning permission to build a 4000 capacity stadium on the community astro turf pitch at Green Dale fields, plus 219 flats on the current stadium next to Sainsburys.

Back in 1990 when the local community campaigned against the sports fields being concreted over for Sainsburys, they were promised that no more land would be taken and that protective covenants would prevent any future development from taking place. Fast forward 30 years and Dulwich Hamlet Football Club are demanding they are built a new 4000 capacity stadium where the community astro turf pitch is located. Only a new stadium will save them (again)!

After 8 years of patiently wearing everyone down with their repeated planning applications, and passive/aggressive messages the football club/property developers were granted planning permission to build all over the protected land at an extraordinary planning meeting in July 2020. Obviously the protective covenants are a small legal thorn in the side that must be removed before Green Dale astro can be boarded up so the bulldozers can enter. This planning application 23/AP/0429 is the final hurdle to getting their way.

It’s unlikely that your objection will make any difference, but at least you can tell them what you think of their plans. Comments are being accepted until 23rd March:

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