Yesterday was our seventh AGM! We held it upstairs in the Phoenix pub at Denmark Hill train station. There was a record turn out with 17 people attending. First we had our AGM where we elected committee members. The committee going froward to 2018 stands as follows:
Jasia Warren – Chair
Hans van Leeuwen – Vice Chair
Dermot McInerney – Secretary
Mike Hutton – Treasurer
Stephen Govier – Meadow Manager
Anne-Britt Dullforce – Environment Officer
There then followed a beer break and a general meeting. We welcomed new members Jennifer Milner and Charlie Allan who gave us a resume of the plans to build social housing on the corner of Champion Hill and Dog Kennel Hill where the current Seavington House sits. Many local people do not like the plans because the buildings are very tall for the top of a hill and the buildings go all the way to the edge of the pavement which makes it feel very cramped. There is a petition you can sign.
We also discussed the broken sign, the dry hedge, the AGM timing in light of the decision by the Friends of Green Dale to hold their AGM in the same week and the edging in the wood. We also discussed possible events for 2017 / 2018 (including a collaborative art project with the adventure playground.. TBD) and we had a report from our Meadow Manager.
Thank you to everyone who came for your continued support.