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Documents for 16/AP/4051

The planning application: 16/AP/4051 (October 2016)

A second planning application was submitted in October 2016, without any publicity, to remove five clauses from the current stadium land that prevent anyone from building on it. The public consultation was open until 26th November 2016.

On 24th November 2016 the council decided to reject this planning application. The decision notice is available to read online, as is the Officer’s Report.

Before this decision, we created some suggested points that you could make.

Discharge/deletion of the following obligations contained within the S106 Agreement dated 16/10/1990: 1) Clause 4(3), giving access to the facilities by members of the football club, to be discharged in its entirety 2) Clauses 7(3) and 7(4), which relate to use of the land in the event that the football club cease to exist, to be discharged in their entirety 3) Clause 8, which restricts use of the football ground to leisure, recreational or educational purposes, to be discharged in its entirety 4) Clause 10, which gives users of the all-weather pitch access to the club dressing, showering and toilet facilities, to be discharged in its entirety | DULWICH HAMLET FOOTBALL CLUB, DOG KENNEL HILL, LONDON, SE22 8BD”

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